Career Planning Training for NIIT Foundation Scholarship Students

COVID 19 was at its peak, and educational institutions and NGOs focused on the education sector, were working to minimise learning loss for students across age groups. With this objective, these institutions introduced additional support for students through mental health and career planning workshops. In this endeavour, NIIT Foundation reached out to Fermata to emphasize the importance of pursuing STEM education and the career growth opportunities for female students. These workshops were conducted online for 500 first generation grade 9 & 10 female students studying in small districts of Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Bangalore. Our facilitators not only educated the students on the topic but also inspired them by sharing stories of successful women from various domains in India since the 1940s. The funders of this program were highly satisfied with the successful achievement of the learning outcomes, especially of motivating these students to choose science stream in grade 11. 

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